Modern RheumatologyにReviewがアクセプトされました腱・靭帯の特異的転写因子Mkxの機能を解説したReviewです。Nakamichi R, Kataoka K, Asahara H*. Essential role of Mohawk for tenogenic tissues homeostasis including spinal disc and periodontal ligament. Mod Rheumatol. 2018 in press.
腱・靭帯の特異的転写因子Mkxの機能を解説したReviewです。Nakamichi R, Kataoka K, Asahara H*. Essential role of Mohawk for tenogenic tissues homeostasis including spinal disc and periodontal ligament. Mod Rheumatol. 2018 in press.
【演者】 Ralf Jauch 先生(Associate Professor, School of Biomedical Sciences of HKUMed)【演題】The directed and natural evolution of the molecular toolkit of stem cells
【演者】 Kathryn Cheah 先生(Professor , School of Biomedical Sciences The University of Hong Kong)【演題】Genetic and developmental control of skeletal lineages and progenitors in health and disease